
legend DS版
DS版はcheck pointでないとsaveされないのでその直前まで何回も何回も銃で撃ったり仏陀を集めたりします。

  • a-ki-ta-

Then when Lara does reach the top, the horizontal bars will be directly behind her, and the camera will be pointing toward them. When Zip shouts a warning over the headset, immediately press Jump, without any direction keys or movement on the control stick, and Lara should jump back. . .

. . . and grab the first horizontal bar.

The camera should then align itself behind her. (If it doesn't, shift it with the mouse/right stick or just tap the HUD key.) Once Lara has grabbed each bar, she'll have time to swing around twice at most before the bar breaks. So jump to the next bar as soon as you can.
Quickly swing, jump and grab across all 4 horizontal bars before they snap. It may help to hold the Forward key (or press the left stick forward) throughout. Then Lara will begin to swing around each bar as soon as she grabs it. On the downswing, press Jump to leap and grab the next bar. If she flubs a grab, quickly press Interact to save. Then complete the next swing and immediately jump. When Lara reaches the fourth bar, swing and jump once more to the balcony ahead.


Stand close to the back wall and then jump to grab the vertical pipe, climb to the top then, when you hear a creaking sound, quickly jump to the left to grab the first horizontal pole before the pipe breaks. Swing around the pole and jump to grab the next one. Repeat for the third. Then swing and jump to the balcony. Enter the building and cross the next CHECKPOINT.