中間選挙民主党が上下院とも制したわけだが、もいらがずっとうおちしているfuel cellFCELの株価も上向きそうなよかーん(´ー`)(´ー`)y-~~

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks ended higher Wednesday, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average setting a new record close, after investors concluded that little market-moving legislation is likely to come out of the new Democratic party-controlled House of Representatives and a Senate whose leadership remains uncertain.
The broader market also welcomed the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, although some defense stocks came under some pressure.

VeraSun (VSE :verasun energy corp com (AVR21.94, +1.18, +5.7% ) were three ethanol makers on the rise following the Democrats' winning control of the House of Representatives. Shares of other alternative energy companies were also doing well, including Ballard Power (BLDP :ballard pwr sys inc com, Plug Power (PLUG :4.14, +0.21, +5.3% ) and FuelCell Energy (FCEL :fuelcell energy inc com:FCEL6.95, +0.23, +3.4% ) .